How to Do a Webcam Test on Windows 10 11

In our case, it’s the integrated laptop webcam, but if you have multiple cameras, you can select the one you prefer. These settings might differ depending on what your webcam is able to do for example your webcam might not support the Spot adjust option, therefore, you won’t have it in the Settings menu. By turning the switch off, we prevented other users from accessing it. Of course, if you want, you can switch it back at any time by following the same steps. The webcam settings in Windows 11 are available in the Camera app on the PC. It offers a bunch of customizations to users, including the ability to change the Video Quality and Flicker Reduction.

Please contact us at If you are interested in working with testing / development of the cheat protection in the future, you are welcome to attach your resumé. Prevent students who have already completed the test sharing copies with fellow students. Even if you have randomized the questions you may not want students to see a copy of the test and gain any sort of unfair advantage.

Also, it is worth mentioning that not all students have access to fast, reliable internet connections at home. This could interfere with their ability to use remote proctoring tools successfully, especially if they are only allowed to log in to a test session once. A dropped internet connection could mean a whole lot of stress in such a situation. One issue many people have with remote proctoring is that it could raise anxiety around test-taking. Note how easy it is to identify this just by looking at the bar at the bottom.

Safe Exam Browser that Locks Down the screen

But if you’re feeling up for it, grab a friend or two , and get your answers straight. Just make sure to get one or two people in the chat who actually paid attention in class. Just use any voice recorder app to record yourself reading from a cheat-sheet, and you’ll be good to go.

  • As we mentioned in the “cons” section above, remote proctoring software can be expensive, and so can making sure students all have the necessary equipment to run that software.
  • Next, based on your camera, you can pick the resolution that should be captured.
  • In theory, the indicator light should be hardwired to turn on when the camera starts recording.
  • Authentication of Students Using multi-factor authentication, the risk of student impersonation is eliminated.

Look for camera-looking hardware on the middle of the screen on your laptop, or if you have an eternal webcam, it should be placed on the monitor. If it is already there, you can go to Device Manager and scan for hardware changes. If the webcam is plugged in properly, then it will appear under Camera. If you have a webcam connected, a preview of your webcam will be displayed. You can use the drop-down menu to select a different webcam device and use the radio buttons to change the size.


This is an effective technical method because candidates can prerecord themselves taking the actual test and use a software like ManyCam to fool the proctoring software. Students can record themselves browsing the internet and doing what is considered acceptable while partaking an online exam. On the other hand, candidates have also admitted the accusation to be true. While most candidates will prefer using high-tech devices to cheat during online exams, others will opt to use the more traditional methods such as writing on their palms or using cheat sheets.

Must-have Tools

And most TVs accept HDMI inputs these days so someone is bound to have a second monitor around. Student misused easy access to the internet and social media tools to commit fraud during online exams. During the test, they tend to log in to unauthorized websites, paste questions into the URL, and find the best solution they can steal. In invigilated online exams, fraud, using smartphones is on the rise. Connected devices help candidates store answers and help fellow test-takers find answers from each other or external sources. In this blog, we list 10 unique ways in which students cheat in online exams, in addition to evaluating smart technologies that can help prevent such an event.

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